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您当前所在的位置: 一览·糖果> 公司简介 > 宁波索宝食品有..公司简介

Solbar Ningbo Food Co., Ltd, the subsidiary of Solbar Industries Co., Ltd, is a wholly-funded Israeli company located in NFTZ. As the global leader in the world of soy proteins, Solbar Industries Co., Ltd now owns two production sites in Israel and NETZ each.

Nowadays, Solbar’s sales organization serves more than 45 countries, and includes an extensive network of exclusive distributors, meat and culinary experts to give you technical support and prompt, personalized shipping and warehousing.

Combining sophisticated processing with a keen sense for market needs, Solbar offers innovative product solutions and a clear competitive edge. We are committed to developing and improving the ancient soybean that offers functional properties, health benefits and economic value.

宁波索宝食品有限公司,是以色列工业公司(Solbar Industries Co., Ltd) 在2003年底落户于宁波保税区的全外资子公司。作为世界级的大豆浓缩蛋白、分离蛋白及异黄酮的专业生产商和供应商,以色列工业公司目前在全球拥有两个生产基地,一个在以色列,另一个在宁波保税区。宁波索宝食品有限公司同时拥有ISO9001:2000,HAACP, GMP, Kosher和Halal之认证,以提供具有创新和竞争力的产品为使命,结合精致熟练的生产技术和敏锐的市场诉求,使客户永远在我们业务活动的焦点上。本公司为员工提供完善的社会福利

  • 所属行业:生活服务、家政、清洁等
  • 所在地区:浙江-宁波市
  • 联系人:HR
  • 手机:
  • 邮箱:会员登录后才可查看
  • 邮政编码:
  • 地址:宁波保税东区兴业大道12号

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